Plops, Kinks and Spills

Brett Reif's sculptures in Plops, Kinks, and Spills draw on themes of the Arte Povera Movement, in which artists find beauty in the ordinary, and combines them with playful contradictions.

"What if you discover that the way you've been living has serious consequences that are unsustainable? What if you have to decide on a course of action to rectify those consequences? Would you have the courage to face tough decisions to change your life? Or would you hold steadfast to the status quo in spite of the consequences?

My latest series of works, Plops, Kinks & Spills, depicts what happens when we try to have it all. The work represents a sculptural exploration using common household tile in forms that depict accidents, obstructions, and impermanence.  Plops, Kinks & Spills, embraces shallow fun and optical joy, as it exposes the hidden underbelly of discontent. These works pose smugly like idols for our time -- objects of joy that belie the perils lurking in the future if our current path continues unhindered."  - Brett Reif:  Plops, Kinks and Spills, 2017

The exhibition is on view from July 7 - August 26.  

The opening reception for Plops, Kinks and Spills is Thursday, July 13th from 5-8pm with an Artist talk beginning at 6:30pm.  

First Friday WFA members events are July 7 & August 4 from 5-8pm